Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Layout

So, I decided it was time for a change. I like green, and I like Niagara Falls, so this seemed like a good choice. It may change again if I find something I like more in the next few days. You may have noticed the lack of writing on my blog... that's because nothing has happened. Ok, not nothing, nothing, but nothing comparable to seeing the pyramids or reinacting Indiana Jones or seeing the sun set over jerusalem. But there has been lots of swimming going on and reading too. Lots of reading. Some babysitting, here and there. I'm crocheting a blanket for my friend who is having a baby this week. There may be a family trip to Kings Dominion in the not to distant future. Yesterday I was on my grandpa's boat, and we caught fish. Yes, I touched them. But there are no pictures. I haven't taken any pictures since I got back to America the beautiful. I'm really excited to get back to provo for my last year at BYU. This is theoretically the last time I will ever be moving to Provo, but who knows what the year brings. Becca and I head on our annual byu roadtrip on sunday the 24th, because we don't want to leave on the 25th. That's the only reason, basically. We want to go see Kristi in Minnesota, but Dad says no way. We'll see what we can do about that, but my hopes are not high. Sorry Kristi. Maybe you could come meet us somewhere? (like Nauvoo... which is only 2 hours out of the way, and not a whole day. Lol.) So anyway, that's my summer life post Jerusalem.


KSA said...

You know, your dad will not be in the car with you, so a sharp right turn on to 35 W would not be so hard....jk.....I would never tell you to disobey...I would have loved to see you though.....btw, I love the new layout