Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Apparently this picture thing works in backwards order from the way I want it. Anyway, the plan was to dedicate a post to Christmas break, and show pictures of my mom's Nativities all decked out in Santa hats, but then I realized all those pictures are on mom's camera, not on mine. And I don't think she knows how to get them off, or to email them to me :) We haven't taught her that trick yet. So, we'll just have to manage with pictures of my winter wonderland. I took these on the way to campus today. I think I may not see the ground for a couple of months. This first one, since we are in backwards order, is the way down from campus. Notice the clean railing. Most people prefer to slide.
This is my favorite shot of the day. I love the Maeser building, especially in the snow.
This is the awesome tree outside the library.
Here I am on top of a 10 foot mountain of snow in the middle of campus.

This is the way I walk to school, walk to school, walk to school

These are not my cars, because I have COVERED parking. Woohoo! I also have four wheel drive, which accounts for my greater enjoyment of this weather than most of those around me.

So, that's what my life looks like at the moment. I have started classes for the last time, and most of them are fun. Some people save hard classes for last, I saved easy ones. I figured it was a good plan.


Poulsen People said...

You are so cute! I am so glad you're back!