Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First Concert of the Year

I LOVE CONCERT WEEKENDS!!!!!!!!!! They are my very favorite weekends of all. Do you know why? Because every time, no matter how unsure we might be the day before a concert, we find that our preparation pays off. I love sharing music that I love with an audience of fellow students, friends, family, and teachers of the choir members. I'm so glad that some of my very best friends we able to come! I love sharing the peace that I feel when I sing. I love being a part of something so beautiful. You might say it was worth the wait. It was definitely worth the perseverance. It is probably even worth the past disappointments. The highlight of this concert was the Pilgrim Song. I LOVE that song. I heard it first in high school, and have waited years to sing it with the BYU choirs. Now I have, and will many more times before the school year is over. Life is beautiful. This week we are jumping into even more beautiful music, getting ready for our next concert in November.


Poulsen People said...

YAY! The concert was great- I wish we could've spent more time together afterward (and I'm pretty sure oug wishes there had been more Ernestly Chocolate w/ Marshmallow Cream drizzled on top).